No other instrument since has been able to combine the range and dynamic power like the piano does. Foot pedals allow pianists to control the dynamics of what they’re playing, and this is what makes the piano a unique instrument. When he decided to add a system of small striking-hammers to a harpsichord, an instrument that used a plucked-string system, he almost certainly had no idea how large of an impact his new instrument would have on the world.
The international musical landscape changed forever after an Italian instrument-maker named Cristofori invented the piano in 1700. Today, we’re going to show you how to play some popular piano songs, but first let’s talk about what the piano is and where it came from. The astounding power and dynamic range of the piano is nothing short of incredible, and with it, songwriters and performers are able to convey a wide range of moods, sounds, and emotions. There are good reasons why the piano is the most popular instrument on the planet.